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How to build a crisis-proof eCommerce business?

Check what 3 elements you need to take care of to make your eCommerce crisis-proof.

Fulfillment in Poland – more and more eCommerce companies outsource logistics

The fulfillment service is just starting out on the Polish market, but 97% of customers are already satisfied with it. Moreover, Polish logistics operators can expect an increase in interest in their services in the near future.

Cross-Border e-commerce: Strategy Guide in 3 Easy Steps

If you want to stay afloat, you have to rethink your strategy and adjust it to the post-COVID scenery. And one of the most significant aspects of doing online business is your cross-border strategy.

Why don’t European online stores offer cross-border sales?

The number of online stores is growing every year. More and more of them are also opening up for foreign sales. How can fulfillment help deal with the main barriers - costs, delivery times, legal issues, and returns?

5 logistics improvements your customers will love

The importance of logistics in corporate structures grows. Today, it’s not just about packaging a parcel and sending it to a customer. Thanks to modern logistics processes, you can build customer loyalty and gain a real competitive advantage. What improvements should you implement in your store in order to win the market?

e-Commerce in Poland: How to start selling online in Poland?

Just 26% of Polish customers buy products in foreign online stores! The conclusion is simple - you have to be here if you want to win the Polish market!