New view of order statuses

New view of order statuses

Screen: List of orders


This view lists all your orders. When the page is opened, the orders are sorted according to the newest one. You can sort them by each column, in the "status" column, filtering by all detailed statuses is also available.


  • The general status is color coded, for example "created", "on hold", "cancelled", etc.
  • Detailed status is a clarification of the general status, like "stopped by merchant", "no products in the inventory", etc.


In the case of a "problem" status, when you hover over the question mark next to the detailed status, an error code will appear.

New view

  1. Quick filtering section by status - After clicking on a given status, only orders marked with that status will appear on the list. Several statuses can be selected at the same time.
  2. "Actions" column - Clicking on the magnifying glass takes you to the order details view.


Screen: Order details


This is a completely new view that will show you the details of your order.

  1. Fulfillment details - contains  information about: 
  • order number (a unique number identifying the order)
  • order number (order number from the eCommerce system)
  • external number (number assigned in Way2Send)
  • order source (e.g. API, Way2Send, Shopify)
  • the date the order was created


2. Shipping details - contains information about the recipient, delivery address, pick-up point (if this type of delivery has been selected) and the tracking number (if it has already been sent)


3. Order history - shows the stages of order processing, along with possible problems (errors, suspension of the order), with information presented chronologically.


4. Products - contains information about the products ordered and about possible problems, like no product in stock, etc.

5. Additional documents -  adds the possibility to attach documents in .pdf format


6. Mark as priority - clicking the button and confirming the action will give priority to the execution of a particular order by Omnipack.

In the same way, priority can be removed by clicking on the X and confirming the action


7. Suspend - clicking the button suspends the execution of the order by Omnipack. A paused order can be resumed.

8. Cancel -clicking the button will cancel the order. A canceled order cannot be resumed.

The "Mark as priority", "Suspend" and "Cancel" buttons are inactive when a given action is impossible to perform due to the stage of the order.


Order numbers

We have also introduced a new formula for order numbers:


OP / F / enum / ACRONYM / YYYY



OP - Omnipack

F - Fulfilment 

enum - consecutive order number of a given client, assigned automatically by the system

ACRONYM - Client acronym

YYYY - 4-digit year


For example: OP/F/012345/MAMI/2021


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