New client: Balmora, Polish streetwear brand

New client: Balmora, Polish streetwear brand

We believe that young, vivid brands could challenge their more experienced competitors. Thanks to unique products, they can win the customers' hearts, thanks to professional service - their loyalty. We are thrilled to support Polish streetwear brand Balmora to face such challenges.


Services dedicated to the fashion industry


Rafał Jonkisz and Sebastian Chłodnicki are models and influencers with a passion for fashion. They founded Balmora that offers high-quality clothes made entirely in Poland. The kind of clothes they'd like to wear themselves.


To provide a positive customer experience, we worked out dedicated packing of orders.  Rafał and Sebastian visited our warehouse to personally check various wrapping options. On one hand, it was important to maintain "coolness", and on the other, to keep the products safe. Together with their dedicated onboarding manager, they created stylish but durable packaging in the soul of brand.

Balmora Clothing

In some issues, fashion customers can be more challenging than in other industries. They like to have a choice, that's why they order many products... and then return most of them. That's why returns policy is a crucial part of fashion customer service. For Balmora, we have developed a process that involves checking the condition of returned products. The warehouse worker assesses whether the products are suitable for resale. In case of stains or damage, the products are sent for cleaning or sewing.


The whole implementation, including system integration and matching courier services, lasted about two weeks (only 30 hours!).


About the client


Balmora offers products for modern, energetic, and confident men. The products are created with attention to quality; everything is sewn in Polish factories using the best textiles. Balmora was founded by young Polish celebrities: Rafał Jonkisz (athlete and model) and Sebastian Chłodnicki (model and fashion blogger).

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